Friday, November 18, 2011

Chapter 6

1. Provide a paragraph on an important issue of your choice from Section 1:
The 19th Amendment prohibited the denial of the right to vote because of sex. This means that women can vote now. Up until 1920, only men were allowed to vote. This was the ultimate ratification in 1920, but by then more than half the states allowed it.

2. Provide a paragraph on an important issue of your choice from Section 2:
Voting is not a very complicating thing to do, but first you have to get registered which is maybe the hardest part. Other qualifications would be age, 18, and if you are a U.S. citizen or not. In 49 states you must register to vote. The only state of which you do not is in North Dakota, but in some states there are odd laws about registering to vote or not.

3. Provide a paragraph on an important issue of your choice from Section 3:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is an act put in place after the Civil War reguarding discrimination due to race, or color. It forbid the use of any voter registration or literacy requirments in an unfair or disciminatory manner. It also forbid job related dicrimination. This act was set up so that colored people actually were able to vote, although many people still did things to keep them from the polls.

4. Provide a paragraph on an important issue of your choice from Section 4:
Many people do not exercise their right to vote. The word idiot came from Greek which quite simply was used for the people who did not take part in public life. Our public life concerns voting, and it is foolish for us not to. A little over 50 percent of the voting population actually vote for a leader who will be in charge of all. This means that if you are a non voter, you may end up being ruled by a leader that you did not want. There are many places where you can vote and register to vote, and it can be easy.

5. Explain voter apathy and what can be done to help it:
Voter Apathy is when a person does not vote. This number has been dropping significantly over the past 10 years and is now at a very low point. Even well educated, sucessful people sometimes choose not to vote. I feel that if we started voting at age 16, parents and schools could start a good foundation for voting and get kids in the habit before they move out on their own. I also think communities could make it easier to get registered or find out how to become a registered voter.

6. Explain the qualifications for registering to vote:
The qualifications to vote are simple. You have to be a U.S. citizen and be over the age of 18. From there all that needs to be done is to register to vote, and then you are ok in that county to vote forever.

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